Statistics makes my soul unhappy. That goes for all math, really. But this standard deviation crap is making my head spin. I am making headway, though, thanks to sandalwood inscence and songs from Explosions in the Sky. Seems to be a good recipe for studying. Zen. Ahh...
Now I'm having focus issues because Top Gun is on, and right now all the guys are in the locker room with the Iceman/Maverick showdown. But they're all in little white towels and have tight tushies. (Wow. I just turned into a creepy 70yr old woman checking out boys...)
I digress.
Variance? Got it.
Standard Deviation? Down.
Z-Score? ...still working on it.
I'm more efficient when I understand what I'm working on. And right now, while I know how to do standard deviation, I don't understand it's role in statistics, and that bothers me. I guess I'm the same way when working on things for shows. Even if I dont need to know how some contraption works, I feel like I need to, even if my assignment is to just screw one piece of wood to another.
Ok- I need to turn off Top Gun and get back to Stats. I don't want to see Goose die... again.
4 days till ATU!
**EDIT**: My application to Harlaxton was accepted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fuck YES!!!
...shit. this means i have to fly..... fuuuuck.....