I always get sick in February. So I just downed some airborne in about 2oz of water... ew. Better be worth it. That lemon-lime they've got is NOT as tasty as they make it out to be. I should probably take some pain meds too, since stage combat kicked my ass again today. I don't think it's the combat so much as the warm ups. That says a lot. Out of shape much? Although, I did try doing some rolls on the floor without the mats today, so I'm sure a few bruises are going to pop up.
By the by- would anyone like to accompany me to see Beth Simpson's show, Dog Sees God on opening night? I have an available comp ticket for Thursday (next week)... as opposed to paying $20 per ticket. Show starts at 8.
...and 6 more days 'till ATU.
I'd love to, but I'm not sure I can next thursday. I'm pretty sure I've got wonder to contend with then.
I'd love to, but I'm fairly sure I'm going the second night, due to my work schedule. Plus, I'm horrible companion anyway.
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