There are days when I wonder why I chose theatre... why I still choose theatre. Life would be so much simpler if I went to college for a regular major. I would always have weekends free. I could visit home more often. I wouldn't have to worry about auditions on top of finals, or the whole applied theatre system. I could just have class Monday thru Friday and go to parties on the weekends.
But... that's boring.
I wasn't called to come in to work on the set tonight, but I had heard that A LOT of help was needed to get the show up and running by Tuesday night. So, as opposed to sitting on the couch watching TV and hoping everything would get done, I decided to go on in and help. I brought FunDip with me... which may as well have been crack. Because everyone's mood just shifted from UGH to WOO after that sugary sugary burst of awesomeness. I got to do and witness things that made me giggle so hard that I nearly peed. These things include: watching Jordan eat paint only to realize it was latex rather than waterbase, crawling around the scaffolding like a monkey in ways a scaffolding should NEVER be used unless your're trying to reach really strange places to paint, seeing Dave straddle the scaffolding AND a ladder to paint, getting stabbed in the neck by Amanda with a brush, millions of bad puns and Bob Dylan impressions, getting blue paint on my nose while hanging upside down on the scaffolding and wearing it the rest of the night, and seeing all the FunDip go to good use.
People are so much more productive when they show up for something on their own accord, rather than being scheduled to be there. I include myself in this generalization. Maybe next work call, I'll just pretend I don't have to be there... and bring FunDip.
2 days till ATU!!!!!!!
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